Site icon Gigi Vincentine Dr. TCM. Dip, R.TCM.P., R.Ac.

Clinic Location – Victoria Professional Building 1120 Yates Street Suite #406

This article was written almost two years ago! Time flies when you’re having fun!

March 1st, 2016! I am moving into my new clinic!

I am very excited to announce my new clinic space in the Victoria Professional Building at 1120 Yates(Suite #406) near Cook St.  Only 2 blocks away from my former clinic on Fort Street.  Convenient and familiar to most of you. Plenty of 2 hr free parking on Yates and Johnson and a pay for parking lot to the rear of the building ($1.25/hr). Most of you will need 2hr parking.  There is a wheelchair accessible washroom on the main floor (key is in the friendly Cafe) and of course there are washrooms down the hall from my clinic. (Women’s Washrooms are 1/2 a floor up and Men’s Washrooms are 1/2 a floor down, keys will be in my clinic)

I have updated my website to include Online Booking with Schedulicity.  Most of you already know my cell phone number 250.882.0659 and my other points of contact are my email  and facebook page and Like!

Here it is. I am so excited to show you!

If you are curious as to what is happening in my old clinic, the whole building is being torn down in the fall of 2016. Simple Remedies was also sold to Mr Tian in the spring of 2015.  So after 12 years of practice at Simple Remedies I was called to move forward and upward! I am going to be carrying some of my favorite product lines over to my new clinic, such as Golden Flower, St. Francis tinctures, Flower Fairies healing salves and oils, Thorn Professional Line, Dream Cream, Simple Remedies Tea Blends and so much more.  Hooray!

Here are some recent Testimonials


As a medical doctor myself, I am amazed at the therapeutic possibilities of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, especially in the hands of someone as extraordinary as Gigi Vincentine.  
I wouldn’t want people to think that Gigi does miracles, except that she does when all the conditions are right. A. F.


Migraine and Tension Headaches: Dramatic improvement in both frequency and severity!

My medical Doctor recommended  Gigi Vincentine Dr. TCM, as I have been suffering from chronic headaches/migraines for the past 16 years. The results have been extraordinary! dramatic improvement! Gigi is an amazing healer:  skilled, knowledgeable, nurturing and a fantastic problem solver. Using a variety of healing techniques such as acupuncture, herbs, massage and all working in unison.
I owe you my sanity…..Thank You Gigi!
In Health, Nicola
After suffering for months with ear infections and three rounds of antibiotics, Dr Gigi Vincentine relieved my pain and discomfort after two weeks of herbs and acupuncture treatments.
Really amazing, thank you    L. Gilbert

Welcome to Winter: Stay Well…Stay Balanced

Winter is upon us, the darkest time of the year, when our Qi (or Vital Energy) is in the deepest level of our bodies. It’s when we have more time alone with ourselves and with our thoughts. (As compared with summer where there are far more distractions and it’s easy to stay active.) This can lead to loneliness or even depression. In Chinese Medicine, balance is the foundation to its philosophy, a harmony between Yin and Yang. As we approach the darker months, keep this balance in mind. Take time for introspection, nourishment and preserving your vital energy (more yin), and, staying active and connecting with your community through music, dance or exercise… (more yang). Our body tells us to go to bed earlier, eat warm comforting foods, dress warmly, listen! If we don’t , come spring time when our Qi starts to move outward in our bodies, our immunity will be compromised and we will lack the ability to ward off colds and stay healthy.

I have been reading Brodie Welch’s blogs.  She is an acupuncturist in Oregon. Enjoy!

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