Your Health Equation

Good day! I’ve got some of my creative juices flowing today so here I am writing to you:) The sun and the garden are helping with that.

I thought I would share with you part of my health equation and ask for you to share parts of yours. My next newsletter will highlight some of your feedback. (anonymously)

So here are some of my top health helpers:

#1Neti Pot

#2Breath Work


#1 Here’s my neti pot, simple and portable


I keep it pretty easy. 1/2 teaspoon of salt (sea salt or Himalayan) mixed with a 1/2 cup warm water from my tap. My goal is to make it as warm as my body and as salty as my tears would be, so that my body stays calm with no reactions. I started this practice about 5 years ago as a means to cleanse my body before meditation. It also has a myriad of effects on my immune system. My nasal passages being my first line of protection and wisdom to the outside world. I practice this every morning and it has helped keep me strong and healthy.

#2 Breath work is something I do more formally before meditation but I also do it throughout the day, especially in times of discomfort or pain. Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing is done by breathing in and out through your nose while blocking the opposite nostril. Here’s a video I found to help. Easy Nadi Shodhana | Pranayama Practice – Bing video

Nadi Shodhana is used to calm the mind and body and it helps to centre myself. There are so many breathing techniques (pranayama). This is one of the first ones I learned in yoga class and later learned with meditation. You can do 5-10 rounds. One round starting your in breath on the left and ending on an outbreath on the left. Another simple one I use is breathing in for the count of 4, and breathing out for the count of 6. When my outbreath is longer than my inbreath my body’s nervous system starts to relax.

#3 Meditation is something I do everyday, consistently to find out how I’m doing. It’s a time I take to look at myself without judgement. Can you imagine? I say that bc it’s so easy for me to judge, defend, and protect myself. So I take a break:)

So now, how about you? I’m sure you have lots of tricks up your sleeves. Looking forward to your answers.

I’m in clinic 3 days a week: Mon, Wed, Fri.

Thursdays, I’m teaching at Pacific Rim College, and Tuesdays I work off site. Would love to see you. Hope all of you are feeling supported and finding time for joy.

Many hugs


Welcome to Fall! Stay Healthy…Stay Balanced.

gigi_logo_200x200whiteArt Work by Patrick Vincentine

Yin Yang. What way does it go? I see it all kinds of ways. We’ll this is the way I learned it according to ancient scriptures and Chinese philosophy. The Emperor’s Palace faced South to receive the warm wind.  So, to the East (left) the sun would rise (yang). To the West (right) the sun would set and night would fall (yin). Now yang in this diagram is white, rising, warming. Yin in this diagram is black, falling, cooling, and condensing.

And so here we have the change in seasons as well. Now we are in the West (right) side of this diagram where the yang of all of Spring and Summer is now condensing into Fall, we start to nourish ourselves with all our harvests from the orchards and gardens. So the yang energy of all this bounty is now more tangible and has turned to yin nourishment as we move towards Fall and Winter ( a more yin time of the year).


This time of year, especially late August and September, is a time for prevention prevention prevention! Keep those lungs moist and open! Herbal immune tonics are fabulous. Pear sauce with ginger and cinnamon is a good idea too. Here are some of my go to prevention strategies for kids and adults. The Deep Immune and Deep Immune Kids by St Francis is an immune tonic to help prevent colds and flus and to help adapt to the change in weather and seasons. It’s a good way to keep your energy up and your spirits bright as we move towards darker and shorter days. The Ear Oil and Children’s Ear Formula is something I always have on hand, for those late night earaches that just break your heart. And of course we have the Oregano Oil for under the tongue when you feel something coming on for adults.



Keep yourself warm this Fall by adding ginger to just about everything! Choosing more cooked foods and steering away from cold damp foods like ice cream and melons will keep your body’s energies warm and moving.

Regular treatments help keep you “In Health”!


See you soon!

Gigi Vincentine Dr. TCM


All Natural Vapor Rub

I was so excited to make this Vapor Rub. I had been collecting the ingredients over time and this week was the week to put it all together. Yeah!

Shea Butter, Coconut Oil is the base with 6 Essential Oils:

Eucalyptus, Camphor, Peppermint,

Lemon, Black Pepper, Ginger

I wanted it to be healing for the skin and slightly warming (not too cooling)

and safe for kids and adults.

It’s for Chest, Sinus, Allergy Congestion,

Sore Muscles, Headache, or just to liven the senses.

Helps you breath easier, smells great, open everything up.

Great for Massage, Acupuncture or Guasha Treatments.

Available in my clinic
